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not a move in sight

This seems so disappointing but our choices lessened because the landlord refused to do basic things in the house. Tonight my wife had a call with her and ended it frustrated and we decided to stay where we are.

The house would have been a challenge no matter what. We would spend money on it making it how we want and the landlord would not do basic stuff. So in the end, as distasteful and frustrating as it is we won’t move.

Renting in Cambodia means finding a variety of landlords. Some will do the basics but not agree to fix things. Others go a lot farther and work on the house so we feel comfortable moving in. This person told us all the things she won’t do. Where we live now they will fix some things but not others. They are also lazy and will listen to complaints but not do anything. The house before this the landlord would always help us.

getting away

So instead we will get away a few days to Phnom Penh with nothing to do there. Take a minivan there and back. Alin will go to old market shopping. I’ll walk in some familiar places. Felt like we needed a break.

phnom penhphnom penh

Found a hotel with swimming pool and nice genius discount on booking.com. When we get back we have nothing more besides maybe a trip to Preah vihear province. That’s where family lives.

So that’s the story. No moves. Not for awhile. Neither of us want to face the task of it. So we stay in a place i don’t really care for because we have what we need here.

Next I go for coffee. My wife gave me coffee money. Ain’t she sweet. Yep. Sure is.

Up next getting the weather Wednesday morning writing The last days have been a slow move to deciding not to move. The house if you could call it such, was dirty and cramped. The landlady would not
Latest posts this leaking roof coming home it was with Thursday words and wisdom today I see my daughter in law Monday before Saturday Walking Friday follies our thursday Wednesday morning writing not a move in sight getting the weather reading along moments that come this journal thing going to Phnom Penh family cafe times it’s my job days of ups and downs day by day is the way getting my words back testing again welcome back to blot