Today is really the first day for us. Yesterday got a nice walk in in the afternoon. Went to an old drinking and eating haunt. Had old friends that work there. Still there. It was so nice to see the two of them. I met both women back in 2018 and we stayed in contact over the years. We were never more than friends and it worked well over the years. One would take me around in Phnom Penh and I’d buy us meals. She has had difficult times here. Once not having enough money for rent and food. I was in Taipei then and she tearfully told me she needed help and felt so bad asking. I helped her thanks to western union.
The other took me out for breakfasts and coffee many times. We would talk about life here and she volunteered once to take me to the Russian market to look around. We then did lunch at this wonderful American bbq place I think now long gone. She and I would chat until I met my wife.
They both just stopped talking to me fearing jealousy on my wife’s part. It’s likely true. These days I stay away from Khmer women as much as I can. My wife is a jealous and possessive type.
But coming back I knew I had to go visit the bar by the river. Had to see both. And I got some nice hugs. I felt both sad and happy seeing them. Knowing it’s more difficult by degrees for them to see or talk to me. They still fear finding some jealousy or emotion.
So I think yesterday was it. I won’t go back. Instead will go on with my walking and morning coffees.
That’s my next part. My wife went off to fix something with her passport and ID. Of course costs money. When you want simple things here the cost is low. But when it’s paperwork and lawyers and a little more complex endeavors, the price rockets up there. Barang people would never pay what Cambodian lawyers want. We never have the same problems. Problems that require money to grease the skids and get bureaucracy done.
Without the changes my wife could not get a new passport. So it means no travel. It also becomes more difficult to ever renew a passport because of issues. So we spent money. More than I would ever spend or need to. Simply because we never have those issues.
All this comes and goes this morning. Beautiful beckoning day and a nice breakfast free at the hotel. Wife gone. Now a coffee in the lobby. Quiet times so I can consider my walk. What I want. Probably not what I do.
So let’s walk. Walking was starting but then I found Ta Coffee. So I sit.
I kinda look at some map. The map is not the terrain. Did I read that somewhere? Instead the morning stretches on. I’ll stop again and add again. This is my only first day back. A second day waits. See you down my steps.
Down to Independence Monument and then the Vietnamese Cambodian friendship monument.
This is a nice blue sky moment.
And then it seems the lights and tree framed things perfectly for my walk.
Ended at Chiet Cafe. This is where I started years ago. My very first day back in Cambodia found my way here for a latte and bowl of pho. So those memories are like little snapshots. They come rolling back. 2022 fresh from a 17 hour flight and an exit. Said adios Mexico. Goodbye California. And hello The Edge.
Now sitting here it seems change came along and made moments, created memories and granted me experiences.
From here the walk back takes me down this road. Both less and more traveled during my days. I’ll write some on a fleeting memory. Find some Now in things. And I will say,
See you down a road with vowels and consonants arranged with thoughtful punctuation.
Bye for now.