Mikes Thoughts |||

I felt like getting some kind of blog post together on whatever it is I want to write on. As usual, I have no real goal with this or a single idea to share. Good time to write! So lets just see where this all goes.

I’m starting it at home on my MacBook. It will magically be on my phone when I’m ready or when syncthing does its sync thing. Usually in seconds. I like leaving for coffee at 830am. The walk usually is about 30 to 45 minutes which seems to be just perfect. Today I think will journey over to LaLatte Coffee. I walked by yesterday and saw the owner. We often talk and he invited me for coffee then but I had already done so I promised would see him next day. LaLatte is one of my favorite little Khmer spots to stop. He plays eclectic sets of music I love. Some Khmer. Some blues and jazz. They change out the decorations and for awhile was the most comfortable couch and chairs. The location is right by a finance and tax school so lots of students visit. Food can be ordered next door. Rice and noodles. Chicken. Whatever. I don’t eat there or get the food delivered. Never really hungry so I tend to just sit. Do some writing.

Which reminds me, I’ll put this down in a bit and pick it up on the phone and let you see LaLatte this morning when I get there. I want this walk that’s different to get there.

I guess another thing is we go to Phnom Penh next week on the bus or minivan. Whatever my wife decides to book for us. She likes the bus service that serves food. The van service stops a few times along the way for rest breaks and food. The trip takes about 5 hours.

This time of year in Siem Reap is nice. Cooler mornings and days getting up to about 31. Nice weather. Normally we have a longer than average rainy season which lets up in November and starts in May or June.

So I have been babbling. I’ll just let this go and babble and gesticulate more when I get to coffee. See ya then.

coffee and your ur

I was going to LaLatte but closed today. So down the street is Ur. Longer walk. Good coffee.

It also lets me dwell on the little things. Most or all of the writing is on them. Sometimes one thing blends to some thought on another. I go there. Soon it seems I have gone far from some original intention. Like here too. Who wants to write big things? Since I don’t work, really have no responsibility, nothing to do I write little things. Today walking here a nice Khmer couple told me good morning. I told them back and added hello in Khmer. It kind of set the walk for me. Like a marker on the morning.

Now I can sit and write. Find my words again that lead absolutely nowhere and yield nothing. I think it’s good to just write no matter. When I’ve felt like stopping some kind of writing I’ve not felt the better for it. My wife has friends and social family she visits and talks to. I had a few people here I felt I could honestly talk to. Now it’s down to my daughter here. The nice thing about her is she’s Khmer and understands that world. She also knows my wife. That’s another whole world.

Instead I turn to writing. Rarely do thoughts and memories and ideas live in isolation. So I find things. Almost hidden in some yesterday or before. Like this. Just a time ago at otres beach.

my wifemy wife

Like a moment of beach and wife frozen. A beach likely we will not go back to. Time spent away is priceless. And when here I cruise the photos looking. My wife and us. We take so many photos together. No doubt in a week and some in Phnom Penh we will too.


With tomorrow comes seeing my daughter for coffee. A highlight of times. An hour spent with talk and teasing and laughter. And some serious things she tells me that are still good.

So I started this and ended this. Now I send this to blot’s tender embrace.

Up next hello Phnom Penh journaling sideways I spend time writing here and there most days. From my morning walk comes thoughts on how beautiful the days are now. This dirt road leads to that
Latest posts back home means seeking simplicity days of Phnom Penh in writing my little zone when push is not a notification judging the journal creating is disturbing interesting times return to blog time to blog journaling sideways Starting this because hello Phnom Penh ok. Let’s blog Always taking moments Writing with upnote friendships and family and 2025 another blog post tracing the lines here to there almost Christmas Sunday with words getting it to take away it was not the weight Changing chairs taking time writing again Its blot and me