starting out right

Well since it’s Monday I figure, I gotta start something. So I start some coffee. Start writing. Start thinking about going to Vietnam IF I go. It’s always quiet mornings in the house. My wife will come and go in the mornings but most of the time she will sit with the owners or putter her little garden she loves. Her start used to be earlier in the morning. For some reason, they would go walking at 4am. I never really liked that start. That just seems too early to start anything.

I like the morning start with the coffee I make and writing. Always feels like the things go together but today I double down and start a blog post about whatever it is that this turns into. Right now, it’s a start. So is the music. So is the coffee. Writing in Typora on the Mac is a joy I feel. It just gives me back what I want in writing and it makes no real demands. I paid for it long ago so I get the every so often update. The words get transferred magically via syncthing to my android gizmo. When I get ready to start the walk, it all just is there for me. Today I will start the walk to a nicer coffee shop. Perhaps my favorite here. I like their comfort things and I can sit there in comfy chairs and even get cookies if I want. Another nice start I got myself into. Tomorrow I meet my daughter for coffee at Temple Coffee and Bakery downtown. She loves it there. We spend an hour or so talking. Sometimes her baby comes along. Usually not though. It’s a nice time to spend since my wife and I don’t do much of those things any longer. I like the social things like coffee out with her. We also want to do this dinner at a BBQ place I have wanted to try since forever. Maybe later this week we all will go.

So that’s a start, right? I’ll let this percolate around and see what I really want to say after I take a nice little walk later. See you then.

coffee out and time to write too

People pay money to sync their words. Likeontjly subscriptions. To me my words are good but not past a free, secure and open source solution. One that involves no cloud. It does need periodic maintenance. It’s software. Never perfect. An old friend that worked on the Linux kernel told me once they were never done. So software goes on. Becomes else. Kinda like writing. Like my walking. A nice segue to a pleasent email change with T. Thanks T for bringing email to my inbox. So nice hearing. I mention this here because I also sent him the RSS feed for my blog and my fediverse info. I have no contact page it seems.

So now the sitting at spring coffee gives me another start. A nice iced Americano and cookies.


And time to start other things. Or not. I read the news sometimes. Sometimes read a little reddit or my mastodon feed. Or all of them. I slow down on the start to coffee. Let it last I mutter. So I want my cookies to last too.

Most of all I get money today. I never worried about it before. It seemed our government was dedicated to protecting the one thing from them I need. These days I have no beliefs or expectations things will be ok. Maybe things will. Or not.

Don’t get me started.