Journaling creatively

I love watching YouTube videos on different physical journals. How people build them, use them. Write in them. I often think I could do that. Could carry the Travelers passport size notebook. Add a few inserts. Step away from all the digital journals. Then I look at my writing. I would have to print. But I would gain from it. At least these things,

  • More personal recording of my thoughts, ideas, rants, raves.

  • Some decoration with little stickers and saving small memorabilia.

  • Carrying the notebook where I go. This brands it as mine. It gets scuffed, marked. It becomes mine.

Then I realize. I cannot do it. My writing. The scrawl which passes for it. Linking from thing to thing. While I think the writing would be more personal and intimate I would ultimately fail at using the notebook over the ease of the phone and laptop. What I do need I figured out is what my solution does now. An ease of use transferrable from phone.

From journal to blog

i really love the idea of having the writing in one place accessible and easily used for the blog. An idea written here and going there is not some exercise. The blog is a static thing. Easy to simply populate with markdown files. My journal is that. It always feels like this continuation of ideas. From a thing I explore in one piece of writing is available easily to another. Like today later. Will go downtown for the first time in over a week. I’ll just push this off and let my words find their way to a favored coffee shop downtown.

coffee and talk downtown

Much like the journal I do that just travels my ways. Here is my escape downtown this morning. From tuktuk to coffee with an acquaintance. Mostly words and feelings and the going. It’s worth stopping at Temple coffee. So I do.


And from here I just go on. The morning away is sufficiently different from the house. This is Siem Reap after all. The house seems to be far from it.

Perhaps one day will look at real journals. Imagine the feel of it. The sense of intimacy. I can’t imagine writing in them. This just seems so nice. With phone or laptop.

See you on down the road. Time to write somewhere. And drink that wonderful hot latte and enjoy the some place different.