The forever changes

I enjoy writing just about all the time. Until the time when I really want some other app. Some app that will offer a nicer way of doing the words. Maybe offers sync so I can stop with syncthing. Finally I do like some security and feel my writing is just that. Mine.

I also just enjoy moving around. Finding an app that satisfies some desire. Enter NotesNook again. I had written in it before. I wanted to use it but as is usual with my ailments changing things with alacrity and then again; I stopped. Stupid me.

Writing in the app for what I want to do is a joy. Even on Android. It takes something more when you consider the size of the display and then writing into it. I also enjoy the apps youth and development pace. Being open source just makes me feel that they go in the right direction and have a good sense of how they develop. What their goals are. How they are present on mastodon and will respond.

So I resubscribed. Decided I want something different than what I had. Most of all I want something fun to use. With themes. With a sense of finding new features often. Now I do month by month. At some point will get the year. Maybe someday they will offer a lifetime deal. I prefer paying once.

Writing it up

I actually decided to change in the coffee shop this morning. So I did most of the exporting and importing of documents on Android. Not the easiest route. But also not impossible. Within 15 minutes I could start writing. I admit the editor feels so nice. Publishing to blot is easy. Well, blot is never hard. So I can come full circle writing all my little nonsense in a secure and private place. All encrypted and just for me. My daily journals and every so often thoughts seem happy in their new home. This writing seems also to just be better.

Who knows though. Perhaps I will change again. Really hope not. Because I like this a lot.