One thing I enjoy daily is this. This writing thing. I can take an idea along with me or just write a thing and let it carry forward. Little things all vie for attention. My daughter today insists we all go for bbq to this popular place. So next week we all will go. I’ve wanted to go awhile. So I mentioned to her over coffee both families should just go. She was enthusiastic.
Then there’s the other things. Perhaps they are little. Life here is not a compendium of huge change or even small. It’s the same same part. Yet there is difference. Slowly it creeps in as days go by. Family visits. My mom loves to watch YouTube movies in Khmer so I find them. First though I must make the windows laptop work better. Struggle. I forgot just how much I dislike that whole scene. I should install Linux on it. That however sounds like work. So I futz with windows. And remember àhow much I prefer my MacBook m1.
Other daily things are writing and reading. I sometimes want to write this way or that. I think on it. Like for awhile decided to not write on the blog so much. Yet… Here I am writing on the blog.
On the reading side I considered jailbreaking my Kindle Paperwhite. It’s not a hard thing and I could find more ways of using it. It would open new endeavors. I decide I would rather just use it as it is for awhile. I have free ebooks on it already. I need to read some more. Yeah. That’s what I need. I don’t track the reading whatsoever. Don’t really care what I read before or if I read it again.
other things
For awhile and indeed a long while I have hoped we would move. This was not an endeavor bound for success. It actually fuels arguments and heated discussion. So I gave up voicing discontent and end up writing it every so often.
Some endeavors are meant to fail and I just do them anyways. Perhaps something along the way strikes a chord. Or I go for a walk. Find coffee. Like now.
Now though is this quiet endeavor at a favored spot. Where music plays on. Where the chairs are soft and I have a morning.
A morning of whatever I want. Ahh! My perfect endeavors.
Today’s one of the days that feels between things. Like I want to write big ideas and wonderful things about the walk or coffee or just the going.
March 19, 2025
Some days it’s writing a few times. Feel like there’s more to say. More moments to say the things. And I leave the house where words sometimes stall
March 17, 2025
Well since it’s Monday I figure, I gotta start something. So I start some coffee. Start writing. Start thinking about going to Vietnam IF I go. It’s
March 17, 2025
Some days seem just meant to go downtown. To sit in the cheap beer place. Feel the 30-some temps. Do not abstain. Eat and drink. Then go home. Going
March 15, 2025
I realized after another night of not quite good sleep its Saturday. Sometimes my wife is never sure of the day. She will ask if its Tuesday. When
March 15, 2025
I love watching YouTube videos on different physical journals. How people build them, use them. Write in them. I often think I could do that. Could
March 14, 2025
I enjoy writing just about all the time. Until the time when I really want some other app. Some app that will offer a nicer way of doing the words.
March 13, 2025
Sometimes around the house there is drama. Khmer drama. Voices raise in intensity but since it’s all in Khmer I can only tell people are not happy
March 13, 2025
Today with mom visiting was one of the days when family visits. And one stays awhile. The granddaughter loves to visit but she wears out the adults.
March 12, 2025
One thing I enjoy daily is this. This writing thing. I can take an idea along with me or just write a thing and let it carry forward. Little things
March 12, 2025
The days always seem to linger along. Now we have family visiting. Its a mix of good and bad. My wife and her mom always seem to argue in Khmer and
March 11, 2025
Lately been thinking on the routines. The day to day just going. My life is kinda like this. Wake up in the morning. Have coffee. Wait impatiently
March 10, 2025
I was out doing my coffee this morning. Had a nice walk and then noticed a new coffee shop along my walk I must try. Got to Red Soil which I
March 6, 2025