Saturday blogging

I realized after another night of not quite good sleep its Saturday. Sometimes my wife is never sure of the day. She will ask if its Tuesday. When in fact it is Sunday or some other day that ends in Y. Same with the date. She knows the months of the year but not the dates within them too well. I gave this some thought a few times. Came away with a few reasons this could be.

  1. its just not important to Cambodian people. They work every day of the week no matter what. But my wife does not work. So instead she just wanders through the days with no real life and work thing. When I used to work it was just about 7 days a week too. I lost track of the days after driving to the office many Saturdays because I had meetings with other unfortunate souls on weekends. My wife does not do any of that. She just sails through life. And I guess now I do too.

  2. It does not matter what day it is. Perhaps for the years I have done nothing, what separated the times of doing nothing has become so little. Now it seems its a day and a night and the days are spent wandering around for coffee, doing nice walks, watching my wife cook dinner for me. Sometimes going away with her. Other times me going away without her for beer or coffee downtown.

  3. We don’t have a calendar in the house. Not a current one. We had one for 2024 I think that we got for free.

  4. Time is not real. It has never has been real. We want it because it explains something we cannot. Easier to divide the days into arbitrary ticking things than really explain that time has no meaning.

I guess with that, I can start thinking on coffee. The delightful coffee out part of this blog post. Something I am sure you are waiting on. So here comes a H2 with a catchy line.

Coffee out and a walk

So Saturday means also at least today walking to the wonderful Ur Cafe. I’ve mentioned it before but it’s just one of the Cambodian coffee shops I adore. It means sitting. Not bothering with wifi. I get 50gb a month of 4g. For $6. No real point in finding wifi. We don’t have 5g. I guess someday we will. Does it matter writing this? Reading something on a webpage. Not so much. The Cambodian 4g service is rock solid in most places. Here I always get all the bars. In rural areas it goes. And it’s ok. This country ain’t done with itself. Some things are really well done. Online banking and payments are so easy. With a Cambodian bank account and a phone I don’t need money. Like for my coffee. ABA pay.

The walking part is always divided up. There’s the nice morning walk to get to coffee. Then I get the stop. The writing. Some overthinking. So how do I know when I’m done with overthinking? I guess I don’t. It’s never over.

I’ve been playing also with Lemmy. I enjoy it’s disruptive nature and how it casts shade at reddit. I have a reddit account and I do enjoy some of the subs. Lemmy offers this fediverse aware and more frontier feel. Like a thing not done yet. Yeah. Like Cambodia. Maybe it’s why I always opted for places not done. Vietnam always felt that way. Mexico did. I coined this term for living in the places when I discovered at some point they were this Edge of life. This place where I can live and forget time. Forget days that end in Y.

And write here about it all. Feels good. My coffee awaits.