when family comes

Today with mom visiting was one of the days when family visits. And one stays awhile. The granddaughter loves to visit but she wears out the adults. My wife particularly. I get visited by the baby a lot.

At first she did not like me. Now she runs and hugs me. Holds my hand. Kisses me. It’s taken awhile. Well I’m not sure how long awhile is. It must be longer than some time later. It’s special no matter what but my wife breathes a sigh of relief when they go. My daughter is the special one to me. She has always been the one person I can talk to about anything. So we go for coffee every month or so. Talking always is good. It’s like a no holds barred wordfest. Things come and go. She tells me about her brother often. He’s the hard working and independent one. Lives rather far away. Only visits few times a year but always asks if I have coffee money. If not he will send to his sister and then I get it.

People do not visit here so often because most do not like the house. My daughter has argued with my wife about how and where we live in the past. She doesn’t hold back so often my wife and her argue.

It’s different though when they visit like today. They come. They go. Life is good. When they just show up and stay it gets frustrating here. The house is simply not big enough for 12 people. Especially when half are kids.

Finally evening seems to come. House is quiet. My daughter wants to meet for coffee next week. I miss that part of things with my wife. The social things like coffee out. Talking. Sitting. It seems somehow we have bypassed all that. Sad really.

Finally came to realized this blog is the thing for me. My daily thing. I find myself wanting to just write here. Find some words and moments. Feel how sometimes cathartic it feels to let go. I’ve felt for awhile it’s the writing. Whether a journal or a thought. It’s the doing. I never want to say,

Oh… Done with that.

So instead I just listen to the voice. It tells me about people, places and things. When I don’t listen often it’s to my peril. So instead I pay attention. All three it’s been right on. And wrong on. But I think it’s just human too. So it learns. About some people though it turned out right. Thankful for that.

Now family is gone. Lights off. Tell me your story.